Degree in Communication Sciences from the Franco Mexican University (UFRAM).
My name is a Nahuatl word. It means “Still Standing.”
I was born on January 13, 1988 in Cd. Satélite, State of Mexico.
I like challenges and reaching goals.
I an TEDx Speaker, Motivational Speaker, and Ontological & Life Coach, (Certified by Central Coaching and the ICMF (International Coaching and Mentoring Federation. As well as The Nossovitch Group).
I have a 12-year career as a Motivational Speaker, at a National and International level, working with the main private and government companies: TEDx, Televisa, Cinépolis, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, MetLife, Tec de Monterrey, Universidad Anáhuac, Universidad Iberoamericana, Universidad Panamericana, Government of the State of Mexico, Government of Mexico City, among others.
I have collaborated for various very important Media in Mexico. Some of them are: Grupo Televisa, Grupo Imagen Multimedia, Grupo Fórmula, MVS Radio, among others. Being one of the first Conductors & Speakers with Disabilities, to have open participation, in the Private Media.
I am interested in continuing to collaborate in the media, Radio (Locution, creative production and script) Television (Conduction, production or creative) Cinema (Editing and script)
Also, I have Experience in Content Management & Creation on Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) (Community Manager) Print Media.
I have a 10-year career as an activist, advocating for Rights and Social & Labor Inclusion for People with Disabilities. Being recognized nationally and internationally, for the initiatives that he developed, among which are:
One of my big dreams is to cover a war and not because of the war itself, but because of the great commitment that is required as a journalist.
I am characterized by my great sense of humor and my daily improvement.
Degree in Communication Sciences from the Franco Mexican University (UFRAM).
Certified by Central Coaching and ICMF (International Coaching and Mentoring Federation)
By The Nossovitch Group
by Xicani ® Consulting & Coaching
AC Free Flight Foundation: Dedicated to supporting Social & Labor Inclusion for People with Disabilities.
An initiative of the World Economic Forum. This community is a network of youth-run centers that are exceptional in their potential, their accomplishments, and their drive to make a contribution to their communities.
These National and International recognitions motivate me to continue with my fight for Labor Inclusion for people with disabilities, not only in Mexico, but worldwide.
Two gold and one bronze statuettes in the Círculo Cuadrado de México 2011.
Two gold statuettes at the Wave Festival in Rio 2012.
A silver statuette at the FIAP – Festival Iberoamericano de la Publicidad 2012.
A bronze lion at the 2012 Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival.
A Silver Snail in the category Microsite, viral marketing and social network.
Whether as a Founder or as a member, I will continue to do my bit for inclusion.
Xicani®, is a spokesman for ParaLife Foundation, has been working with them two years with successful results as a social movement “Letter of Recommendation”. Also, along with the foundation, have given lectures and sensitization workshops.
This community is formed from an initiative of the World Economic Forum, which aims to empower young people with high potential, of various social, business, political and academic, who are committed to sustainable development of our society.”
Xicani® is the Spokesperson for the “Letter of Recommendation” movement, promoted by Fundación ParaLife, and thanks to the support of Publicis México, they have been awarded various world awards in the creative field.
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